Langley Moor Primary School

Pupil Committees

We encourage our children to play an active role in school life and provide opportunities for pupils to take on wider responsibilities and roles in school.

Our School Committee


Our School Committee have a number of roles and responsibilities in school. 

They have worked with Josh, from Oases, to explore the how using electricity can have an impact on climate change. They have promoted saving electricity in school. They looked at energy usage in school and thought of ways that they could promote how staff and children can be mindful to save electricity. The children took part in an energy audit over lunchtime and gave feedback to each class. The children found out about different sources of energy through hands on activities and learnt about The Greenhouse Effect.

The children launched ‘Switch off Fortnight’ and continued to promote saving energy through leading an assembly on climate change. The key message from the global committee assembly was ‘Small changes, a can make a big difference’. They are hoping that this message will be taken back home and into the community.

Article 12 Children have the right to give their opinions freely on issues that affect them. Adults should listen and take children seriously.

Our Anti-Bullying Champions 

At Langley Moor Primary School, we recognise the importance of raising an awareness of bullying and developing an understanding of what bullying actually is.

Bullying is defined as behaviour that is repeated or intended to hurt someone either physically or emotionally and is often aimed at certain groups because of race, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

Each year, we have a group of Anti-bullying Champions (chosen from Year Four) who take part in training, alongside children from other schools, and regularly deliver and lead whole school activities which focus on areas such as:

  • Friendship and how to be a good friend.
  • What bullying actually looks like.
  • What to do if you are being bullied or see someone else being bullied.
  • How to report bullying and the importance of speaking out about bullying.
  • Ways in which we can promote anti-bullying both in and outside school.
  • How anti-bullying links with our UNICEF Right Respecting work, especially CRC Article 36: Children have the right to be safe.

In each of our playground zones, we have yellow friendship ‘bus stops’ where children are encouraged to stand should they feel lonely or have no one to play with. Whilst we encourage all children to look out for anyone standing at the ‘bus stop,’ the Anti-bullying Champions pay special attention to this and will intervene to ensure that those children are include in games with their peers.

Our Playground Leaders

Some children in  Year 6 take on the role of playground leader. Here they initiate and organise games and support play at playtimes and lunchtimes. They support if a child finds themselves alone and in need of a friend. 


We have recently revamped our library and as a result have appointed some new, budding librarians to keep good care of it and keep it organised. During lunchtime book clubs they share their passion for reading with other children. Our librarians also work with Mrs Gilmore to make suggestions for the purchasing of new books based on recommendations from the children.