Langley Moor Primary School


Class 6

(Year 6)

In Year 6 we work hard and play hard. There are high expectations for the pupils’ attitude towards their learning and their behaviour. Alongside these expectations, the aim is to have fun and enjoy the privileges that come with being in the final year of primary school, such as our residential course.

Year 6 topics include the history of the local area and British monarchs, climate change and woodland studies, light and evolution, mechanical and electrical systems and coding.

Considerable time is also spent learning about the best football team in the North East and celebrating when Newcastle United score their annual goal!

Both pupils and teachers work hard to create a positive and supportive classroom environment, where everyone feels happy and safe to take risks and make mistakes.

Increased responsibility is given to Year 6 pupils - for example, leading activities for younger children, taking lead roles on school committees and running the tuckshop.

It is great to watch the pupils grow in confidence as they progress through Langley Moor Primary School and transition confidently to secondary education.  

Meet the Teacher

meet the teacher class 6.pdf

Long Term Plan

 Learning Leaflets



Class 6


RRSA Article Links

Article 28: All children have the right to a good quality education. 

Article 29: All children have the right to education, which should develop talents and abilities.