Langley Moor Primary School


Summer 2024


friday flyer 5th july.pdf





Documents in folders containing the word 'letter' or 'minute' are listed in the order they were uploaded, most recent upload at the top. Otherwise, documents are listed alphabetically.

March - World Book Day 2024!

The children have shared stories, swapped books and extended their vocabulary through outfits! Thank you to parents and carers for creating outfits based on a word, to staff for bringing stories alive and to the PTA for organising our Story Spoon competition.

World Book Day 2024

March - Class 6 had a tremendous time at Robinwood!


March - Class 5 had visitors from Durham University. Scholars from the University spoke to the children about learning different languages, the hierarchy of fanbases and laws of marriage. The children voted for their favourite topic and presentation. These were all linked to Durham University's Global Week. 

Durham University Global Week

Langley Moor Mail - February 2024

langley moor mail february 2024.pdf

February - Class 4 travelled back in time to Ancient Rome! They worked on Roman numbers, had a Latin spelling test, played Ludus and enjoyed an ancient banquet!

February - Class 2 enjoyed their trip to Durham Cathedral. Here they enjoyed acting out the story of St. Cuthbert's life as well as exploring artefacts.


January - Class 3 enjoyed their sports trip to Maiden Castle. They experienced curling and street dance.

January - Class 4 did a tremendous job of showcasing all of their learning to parents and carers. They then enjoyed completing the digestion quiz and crossword with grown ups! Well done, Class 4!

January  - Class 3 enjoyed looking at Ancient Egyptian artefacts and saw a real-life Mummy!

January - Reception class have raised £415 during their sponsored Active Afternoon! Thank you to family members and friends who joined us and made donations. We will use this towards our refurbishment of the outdoor area.

 Happy New Year 2024!

Autumn 2023

Santa Fun Run for St. Cuthbert's Hospice - December 2023

 Christmas Lunch - December 2023

 Rock Kidz visit for Anti-Bullying Week - November 2023

 Our Girls Football Team - November 2023

Durham University visit Class 2 and Class 5 - October 2023

 Harvest Festival - October 2023

Macmillan Coffee Morning - September 2023

Class 4 Trip to Arbeia Roman Fort - September 2023

 A super start to the Autumn football league! September 2023

World Book Day 2023

WBD 2023

